IDFWU CapCut Template | New Big Sean 2025
A music video by Big Sean “IDFWU” has started a new trend on Instagram and TikTok which offers mind-blowing features like Spotify, Album and Instagram feed edit which can convert any simple photo or video or yours into amazing lyrical video edit. Most of our users every demand this template so we are here with the trending IDFWU CapCut Templates.
Just like Money Trees template this template is also a design like that but have more features and attractive effects. We are feeling very proud that our users are loving our content and reaching us on social media platforms to thank us! We also want to thank our users that they trust us so much.
So, our team of professional capcut templates gathered the best performing viral IDFWU templates for you guys check these below and enjoy your awesome video!
What is The IDFWU Big Sean CapCut Template?
This template is actually inspired by the “IDFWU” song by “Big Sean” which got so popular that it reached in the top 4 out of 100 on the Billboard. This song was released in 2014 from the amazing track Dark Sky Paradise, still today it has a lot of fan following. IDFWU full form is “I Don’t F**k with You”, on this song lyrics people stared to post edits on social media which was then named as IDFWU CapCut Template.
Basically Big Sean wrote this song especially for his ex-finance “Naya Rivera”, she is a famous actress. He just wanted to show her that he can live without her by this song. So people who have been through tough times in their relationships started to use this template showing that they don’t care anymore.
Also “IDFWU” means that someone dislikes or disapproves something or someone with whom they spend time. Actually this template shows the self-respect and attitude of a person in a video form.
Why Choose IDFWU CapCut Template?
With this capcut template you can easily edit and attitude looking and self-care video edits very easily and professionally even if you don’t know who to edit videos. It’s really simple to use. You can also use your own customizable text and transitions which can bring extra beauty in the video.
The music used in these templates are really amazing but if you have a different taste and want to add your own music or beats you can also do that very easily. Just choose the template which we have given above, select the one which you like, every template has a different style and effects so choose wisely.
Go Viral with IDFWU CapCut Template
With this template you can get amazing number of views, likes and shares on social media platforms like TikTok and Instagram by just making video content with this template and uploading it. As this template has been used by millions of users and still people are using it and uploading content on their social profiles.
Many of the famous content creators have used this template and saw significant growth on their TikTok and Instagram accounts gaining thousands of followers in few hours. So the point is you can also become part of this trend and make your video go viral.